Saturday, March 1, 2014


I love this recipe, is very easy to do and healthy as it can be. The mustard is low in calories and a great dressing for meals. We are going to add some garlic, vinegar and salt, onion and jalapeño and you will se how this mixture will take you to an amazing tasty plate.
This is my version of mustard chicken, specially for diabetics and people on a diet, I know that usually honey is added to this meal but that means sugar and more calories, and I prefer to stay away from the healthy things that still being healthy are going to slow down your weight loss.


Chicken (I prefer thigh and leg)
Mustard 3/4 of a cup
2 garlic cloves
1/8 of a cup of white vinegar
1/4 of onion in julianas
1 jalapeño in slices
salt to taste

Put in the blender the mustard, salt, vinegar and garlic and blend well. Take off the skin from the chicken and get rid of as many fat as you can. Let the chicken marinate in the mustard for more flavor. I really love to leave it stand for a night and cook it next day, it really makes a difference in the flavor, but still cooking it right away has a great taste.  Let it cook over a pan for about 30 minutes and add the onion and jalapeño. Let it cook for another 10 minutes and ready to serve! 

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